Invisalign® is a state-of-the-art alignment system that produces results similar to traditional bracket-and-wire orthodontics without highly visible metal brackets. Invisalign is a system of clear, custom-made aligners that are tailored to achieve the highly sought-after perfect smile. For the comfort and convenience of qualifying patients, Invisalign is a top choice. For busy adults and teens alike, Invisalign is the go-to orthodontic alternative to traditional metal braces. At Dental Wellness Center of Maryville, our dentists and team stay current on the latest Invisalign treatment options to offer the most comprehensive and convenient care for your clear alignment needs. If you would like to find out if Invisalign in Maryville, Illinois, is right for your smile call our office today at 618 288 1923 to plan your consultation with Dr. Pat Murphy, Dr. Patrick Heulsmann, and Dr. Mike Murphy.

Benefits for Adult Patients
Many adults have longed for straight teeth for years but do not believe traditional metal brackets will fit into their busy schedules or professional obligations. Invisalign offers the ability to straighten teeth without others noticing and with less visits to the dentist than with traditional braces. Invisalign aligners are custom-fabricated, clear dental appliances that are virtually invisible. Since the aligners can be removed for eating, there are no food restrictions that will change patients’ eating habits. Routine dental hygiene, such as brushing and flossing, is also much easier since the aligners can be temporarily removed; patients brush and floss just like they did before they started Invisalign treatment.

Benefits for Teen Patients
With school, sports and friends on the minds of most teens, getting metal braces isn’t exactly at the top of their to-do lists. With Invisalign Teen®, no one needs to know orthodontic treatment is underway. Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign aligners are nearly invisible, and they allow teens to eat, brush and floss just like they did before they began treatment. Since the aligners can be temporarily removed, they also won’t interfere with playing sports or a musical instrument, or the other activities many teens enjoy.