Two of the most important preventative measures you can take to protect your smile are regular adult cleanings and fluoride treatments. During these routine procedures, a licensed dental hygienist gives your teeth a professional cleaning that removes plaque and refreshes your smile to a degree that surpasses even daily brushing and flossing. For most patients, two yearly cleanings are recommended to help eliminate plaque that can bring about diseases like gingivitis, while fluoride treatments add protection to help preserve and maintain teeth. Patients with gingivitis, periodontal disease or other conditions may require more frequent cleanings.

Emphasize the importance of good dental health early on in your child’s life. A child’s twice-a-year cleaning is usually the first experience he or she has with the dental office. Our dentists and team are attuned to children’s dental needs, as well as ways to make the visit an enjoyable, kid-centered experience that fosters good oral health habits.

If it is time for a dental cleaning and exam in Maryville, Illinois, for yourself or a member of your family, why not call Dental Wellness Center of Maryville today at 618 288 1923? A member of our team will be happy to schedule you for an appointment with Dr. Pat Murphy, Dr. Patrick Heulsmann, or Dr. Mike Murphy.