Dentures can improve both the appearance and functionality of a damaged smile. While we often recommend treatments that increase the chance of keeping your natural teeth, patients occasionally require the removal of a tooth or teeth. To design your custom dentures, we partner with top dental laboratories across the United States, selecting labs with exceptional reputations for quality and durability. For patients who desire the most aesthetically pleasing denture therapy, we offer partials whose metal clasps are not visible while the denture is worn.

In many cases, we can deliver your dentures on the same day as tooth removal, eliminating the hassle of going without teeth while waiting for a denture to return from a lab. Our denture patients love the convenience of same-day denture delivery, and our dentists love the structural benefits of same-day dentures: By immediately replacing removed teeth with the denture, a patient’s facial profile is better maintained. On occasion, sinking of features is possible if the space left behind by removed teeth is not quickly filled.

Adults of all ages have improved their oral health and function and their appearance with dentures in Maryville, Illinois. Our dentists, Dr. Pat Murphy, Dr. Patrick Heulsmann, or Dr. Mike Murphy, will be happy to discuss this restoration option with you when you call Dental Wellness Center of Maryville at 618 288 1923.